"Hustle beats talent....
when talent doesn't hustle!"
Do you understand the concept of TEAM?
Are you dedicated to improving mentally and physically?
Are you willing to hold yourself to a higher standard on and off the field?
Do you unstderstand there is no substitution for hard work and dedication?
Are you interested in the travel ball experience but not the cost that is associated with it?
Do you love the game of softball?
We are embarking on the Spring and Summer season of 2015 and we are ready for a fun filled and exciting season! If you are interested in playing with a team that is fundamentally sound and has a tradition of winning ethically we will have opportunities for our Spring and Summer sessions in 2015 for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, and 18U. We are currently building a 10U, 12U and 14U tounament team for the Summer sessions of 2015. Please Contact Anthony Marino at (708)717-9180, Mark Finley at (708)672-3870, 12U Brett Geer (219)616-4076 or Rich Uzoras (773)437-0026